Finding right service provider for B2B drone-based projects


Use Cases

Learn how you can use drones for specific business applications like maintenance and measurement

Phishing Detect

Demand Database

Have full visibility on current needs of business customers

Smart Scan

Supplier Database & Selection

Fully transparent way to see all professional suppliers and select the right one for your project

Building a platform

We build a B2B platform for management and booking
of tailor-made professional drone-based services

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IT solution for you

Knowing the demand & supply side, dronomi is targeting specific needs
for drone service suppliers and industry demand

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Safe and reliable

Support us


  • How do you get booked?
  • How do you want to improve it?
  • What are your painpoints?
  • How can a platform support you?
Tell us more


  • You can provide insights?
  • You have big spendings on maintenance topics?
  • What painpoints do you have?
  • Have you ever considered using drones?
Tell us more


  • You are interested?
  • You consider investing in future?
  • You want to partner with us?
  • You want to fund us or just provide know how?
Contact us!

Contact Us

Would like to work with us?
Just drop us a message!

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